_ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _____ __ ____ //_ //_ //_ __ ////_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /__\/ __/\ / / _ \ /__\/ __/ /_ // _// _//_ \o ////////////////////// //_// __/\ \/ /||_|| //_// __/ //// \_/ \_// __/o/////____//____//____/o/___/\__/ \__/ \___/o/___/___/ /_/ _________. _______________________________. [dev0.de] [datenschutz] [contact/imprint] ____________________________________. __________________. [root] [history] [design] [products] [links] [treeview] (2005/april/15) hello. i have now an mirror of the old cool reveal shell added. you can view it here. have fun. moin. ich hab nun einen mirror von der alten coolen shell reveal hinzugefuegt. ihr koennt den mirror hier anschauen. tschuess. - murphy @631 (2005/april/01) hi. i changed my emailadress to murphy2005(at)dev0.de. please use only this for contacting me the next year. i had too much spam on the old email. bye. moin. ich hab meine emailadresse zu murphy2005(at)dev0.de gewechselt. nutzt bitte nur noch diese emailadresse um mich zu kontaktieren. die alte hatte zuviel spam. tschüss. - murphy @688