_ _ _ _ _ __ ____ _____ __ ____ //_ //_ //_ __ ////_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ /__\/ __/\ / / _ \ /__\/ __/ /_ // _// _//_ \o ////////////////////// //_// __/\ \/ /||_|| //_// __/ //// \_/ \_// __/o/////____//____//____/o/___/\__/ \__/ \___/o/___/___/ /_/ _________. _______________________________. [dev0.de] [datenschutz] [contact/imprint] ____________________________________. __________________. [root] [history] [design] [products] [links] [treeview] (2006/february/20) hello. i've released a exe development snapshot of 0irc today. it has some small enhancements and you can use it. sorry no litestep-dll today. have fun. cheers. hallo. so ich hab heute von 0irc einen neuen entwickler build veröffentlicht. es gibt heute leider keine litestep dll. sorry. viel spaß damit. tschau. - murphy @641